Saturday, June 29, 2013


So far this has been a good weekend. I went to the store and picked up some gardening supplies. Gardening is expensive lol. And I didn't even get everything I need. I just started with the basics. On the plus side, a lot of what I bought today is one time purchases like a weed eater, trowel, hose etc. I really thought about buying some flowers today.Ultimately I decided to wait until i get the flower beds cleared out so I can transfer them right away. I would hate to buy flowers and have them die.

When I got home from the store I started to weed my flower beds. I admit I forgot to take a before picture. It's not done though so I will take one tomorrow. Granted it will be kind of a half way photo but better than nothing. I worked in the yard for about 40 minutes. With how hot it is out it's difficult to work outside for very long. That and I developed my first garden induced blister. I made good progress though. It will be one step at a time. Especially since I am not used to having yard upkeep as part of my regular schedule. A drawback from being an apartment dweller for so long.

An update about weight watchers. Overall, I like the program. I basically can eat what I want as long as I say within my points for the day. I never feel hungry which is a plus. Also, there are many foods, mostly fruits and veggies that are 0. I have lost 5 pounds so far. Admittedly, I have not been trying very hard. I have been concentrating mostly on getting into the habit of tracking foods. I downloaded an app to my phone to make that easier. For people who have a hard time being self motivated and keeping track, weight watchers probably is not the program for them. It also requires planning ahead. I know that can be difficult for some people.

For me, I think this will be a good program. I am totally a planner. I LOVE my lists. No, seriously. I have a list for practically everything and I keep them up. When I was living with my brother and his family that was one of my biggest frustrations. I am a planner and he SOOOOO is not (though he likes to think he is for some reason haha). So planning ahead for meals is easy for me. I use to do this when I was in law school. Anyone who has been to law school knows there are A LOT of very long days. Often you come home after spending 12+ hours at school and internships and you really don't want to cook. You can only eat so many sandwiches so you end up just picking up something on your way home at the local fast food place. In other words, you ate like crap. I got in the habit of spending one day on the weekend cooking meals and putting them up to eat during the week. That way I could eat quickly after a long day and I ate so much better. Draw back is I have gotten out of the habit in the last year so I am getting back into it now.

I will keep you posted as I go through the program, both good and bad. I know that this program is not for everyone. I hope I can share my knowledge and help the people that this would not work for discover that before spending money. Well that is all I have for now. Pugsley and I are goign to cuddle up and watch Dr. Who now. Have a goodnight everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for five pounds! :) Keep up the good work. (And I'm so friggin jealous of your garden and own piece of heaven.)
