Sunday, August 5, 2012

The bar in a nutshell

It's now been a couple of weeks since I took the Missouri Bar, and I figured I would follow Dr. Juris’ example and do blog entry about my reflections on the bar.

On Tuesday morning, I took the MPT. For those of you that don't know, this stands for "Multistate Performance Test," and it's essentially where the bar examiners give you a big library of information and tell you to write a brief on it. Twice. 90 minutes per essay. The first one was ok. It was about confrontation clause and evidentiary issues. I spent about 5 minutes too long on the first essay and had to force myself to stop and move on to the next. The second essay was about nuisance, and it required a ton of elements. I wish I hit all of them but I would be lying if I did.  I don’t think I scored very well on these but it’s hard to say since it’s curved.

On Tuesday afternoon, we did the MEE. This stands for "Multistate Essay Examination". There were six essays, and three hours total to figure it all out and write on it (which I think is freaking impossible, I always went over on the practice essays). Essay subjects covered this exam were a criminal law question (that I complete froze on), a wills question (which I did pretty well with…I think), a domestic relations question in which grandparents wanted custody, a secured transactions question that wasn't too terribly bad, and a civ pro question about a woman who hadn't reported sexual harassment in the workplace and whether a judge's decisions about the suit were appropriate. I forget what the sixth essay was. I think I was so traumatized I blocked it out.

I think the MEE is the shittiest portion. On the very first question my mind blanked out and I froze. Then commenced freaking out in my head, I honestly did not know what to write. So I wrote anything I could think, figuring that I might get lucky and get a point or two.  It was exhausting and I left the exam wanting to cry. I was convinced I had failed when I left on Tuesday. Luckily, I have some good friends that helped me rally after the first day.

 On Wednesday, I took the MBE (Multistate Bar Examination)--it's a 200 multiple choice exam divided up into two sessions. You have three hours to complete each of these sessions. I did not feel so horrible about this part. I did have to force myself to slow down. My problem is I tend to rush. I do not read a carefully as I should and I make stupid mistakes. I did my best to slowdown. I know they say do not go back over and change your answers but I am glad I did. I found two that I had not read carefully enough in the first go and I discovered this when I went back over the questions.

I will find out my scores on September 18. Now we are waiting…….

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