Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Studying for the bar is slowly driving me mad. I spend all day studying and yet feel like I have learned absolutely nothing. Actually that is not quite right. I feel like I am slowly getting dumber. On top of that I am having quite the time trying to keep up with the schedule. I just keep telling myself to keep working at it and it will all be over soon.

I told you the other day about my mini freak out. It was about my first practice essay question. To say I did not do well would be putting it nicely. I got my score back today. I was right. I did not do well. Luckily I have some good friends that talked me down from the metaphorical ledge when I was having my moment. I believe her exact words were, "you sucked, so what? You are supposed to suck. If you didn't suck why the hell did you pay like $3000 for a class to get better. You will get better if you just do the course like you are supposed to." I know. Completely logical and obvious advice but sometimes I need someone to remind me of what is right in front of my face.

I am going to sit down and write up and exact schedule to stick to. It is going to SUCK but needs to be done. I am greatly looking forward to the day the bar is over. Though not looking forward to the dread that I just failed the bar exam which I cannot afford to take again that will inevitably set in. As of right now I am keeping my sanity (sort of). Back to studying I go.

1 comment:

  1. rocked the LSAT... you can do this also. WE can do this!
